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Winter Safety tips for Independent Living Seniors

Summer never lasts as long as we would like it to and with winter just around the corner, the sunny weather now seems like a distant memory. Even though we know winter comes every year, we almost always seem to forget the essential things we need to prepare ourselves in order to make it through the season safely. This is especially true for seniors living independently. The best way to...

Getting the Home Care Help You Need

It can be stressful taking the first steps towards getting the help you need for your loved one wishing to remain at home. You have likely contemplated long and hard about getting help for your loved one. You might be feeling overwhelmed and extremely stressed regarding bringing in home care.  Maybe you're not sure what to do or who to talk to. However, what you do know is that you...

Home Activities to Try with a Loved One Suffering from Dementia

Let’s get one thing straight, caring for someone with dementia is definitely a difficult task. It requires constant learning for you to keep pace with the changes your loved one is facing every day. Part of this learning experience requires caregivers to find interactive ways to keep their loved ones’ days and minds full of positive activity. A successful strategy to help improve this is to approach it with less...