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Managing Chronic Pain

Natural Ways to Manage Chronic Pain

Day to day life can come to a halt while trying to manage chronic pain. There are days that feel like nothing will help to take it away. In this blog, we will explore natural ways to manage your chronic pain including the use of aromatherapy, physical activity, and naturopathy. Aromatherapy Aromatherapy refers to the medicinal or therapeutic use of essential oils absorbed through the skin or olfactory system. Essential oils are...

Traumatic Brain Injuries

The Impact of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs) are caused by blows, bumps, and jolts to the head. TBIs can result in temporary injury or more serious, long-term damage. Causes of traumatic acquired brain injuries include: Motor vehicle accidents Sports injuries Falls Assault, including domestic violence Explosive blasts, combat blasts Gunshot wounds or other penetration injuries to the head, and Shaken baby syndrome In this blog, we will look at the impact TBI’s have on...

respite care

Importance of respite care

Importance of respite care As a person declines in health it is usually a family member or, sometimes, a close friend who become the main caregiver to them. Depending on the new caregiver’s other responsibilities, both familial and professional, the weight of constant giving can strain a person to their breaking point. While it can be very rewarding, it is also exhausting and continuous. The need for respite, even for...

Alzheimer's Patients

Understanding Home Care Services for Alzheimer’s Patients

Alzheimer's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. It is estimated to affect over 6 million people in the United States alone, with numbers projected to rise in the coming years. While there is currently no cure for Alzheimer's, there are various support and care options available to help individuals and their families manage the disease and maintain their quality of life. In this article,...

Medications in Home Care

Understanding and Managing Medications in Home Care

Medications play an important role in helping elderly and disabled individuals manage chronic conditions and improve their quality of life. However, taking multiple medications can be complex and challenging, especially for those who are not used to managing their own health care. This is why it's important for family members and caregivers to understand the role of medications in home care and learn how to manage them properly.    The Importance of...